Our Programs
The key approach for our Academic Coaching programs is to create an experience for the students through different formats to meet specific intentions.
Our 3 key signature programs are: Power Coaching, Power Revision™ and Power Mock™.
Subjects Offered
PSLE: Math | Science
O Level: A Math | E Math | Pure Chemistry | Pure Physics | Combined Science (Physics/Chemistry)
A Level: H2 Math | H2 Chemistry | H2 Physics
Power Coaching
We infuse life skills with academic coaching to ensure student perform with academic excellence. When students achieve an A in the shortest possible time, their confidence will increase and this results in sustained motivation
Power Revision™
Power Revision™ is a proven system to successfully impart the right skills & strategies to the students, allowing them to score in the shortest possible time. This program is specifically designed to coach students on how to identify and categorize the various questions for each topic, and more importantly, to impart them with simple strategies to score.
Power Mock™
The exam is not a practice ground.
The key purpose of Power Mock™ is to master Accuracy and Speed. It is specially designed to let students experience success through modelling real exam conditions!
Advolution is not about motivation. It is all about unleashing ‘potential’. And everything we do in Advolution is to provide the experiences and conditions for your child to realise that he/she has the possibility to be better, if not, successful!
Connect With Us
Your child does not need another tuition teacher. What they need is an Advo Coach! Meet our top coaches in a FREE 2h-session to find out why we have been able to transform results and lives for the past 15 years!